Cyprus Education

Education in Cyprus       

     The education system in Northern Cyprus consists of pre-school education, primary education, secondary education and higher education. Five years of primary education is mandatory. Higher Education Planning Evaluation Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK) of Northern Cyprus is a member of International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education

     Primary education in North Cyprus is divided into three stages as you can see on your holidays in North Cyprus: Stage one is elementary school. This is for children between 7-12 and is carried out for a period of five years. Children must attend this period as it is compulsory. Some people look for private schooling and others are happy with state schooling. Northern Cyprus education depends on your preference and finance. Stage two is secondary-junior schooling(12-14 age). This is also compulsory and free and covers a period of three years. Stage three is provided by high schools known as Lycee`s and vocational schools in North Cyprus education system.

      Northern Cyprus focus a lot on higher education and this is provided by the Teachers Training College, The Eastern Mediterranean University, Anadolu University, Open Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Girne American University, Near East University, European University of Lefke and International American University.

School / College / University

           Private schools and colleges operate with fees and usually charge between $1,500 and $2,500 per academic year, depending on the age of the student and the establishment itself. Even they are considered “private” institutions, they are monitored and approved by the Ministry of Education and must follow the principles relating to the basic curriculum, assessment, disciplinary issues and standards of teachers and teaching. 

International Students in Cyprus

     All of Universities in Northern Cyprus are private except Eastern Mediterranean University, METU-NCC, and ITU-TRNC. In 2013 there were 63,765 university students from 114 countries in nine universities in Northern Cyprus. In 2014, the number of students increased to 70,004, (15,210 Turkish Cypriots; 36,148 from Turkey; 18,646 international students)


      Northern Cyprus extends from the tip of the Karpass Peninsula in the northeast to Morphou Bay, Cape Kormakitis and its westernmost point, the Kokkina exclave in the west. Its southernmost point is the village of Louroujina. A buffer zone under the control of the United Nations stretches between Northern Cyprus and the rest of the island and divides Nicosia, the island’s largest city and capital of both sides.

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