Study In Poland
Poland is one of the most affordable European countries for studies (PhD degrees are actually offered for free!) and Polish cities like Warsaw and Krakow are voted among the top student-friendly cities, offering a lively atmosphere, a great study environment and low cost of living.
Poland is an excellent choice one can make to choose for study as Poland has Study with part time work opportunity for student who place it you can make for your career due to the country’s excellent higher education system. The Polish system is characterized by affordability, accessibility and specialized focus. Poland has more than 450 HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) and is the home country of the second oldest university in Europe.
In Poland there is more than 500 institutions to choose from, 16 of them included in the QS World University Ranking and 25 of them in the QS EECA University Rankings. Polish universities are the alma mater of 18 Nobel laureates and the Polish education system offers three types of degrees: licencjat or inżynier (first cycle qualification), magister (second cycle qualification) and doktor (third cycle qualification).
The most popular disciplines for studies in Polish universities include information technology (IT), business management, logistics, psychology, economics and law. Depending on the level of studies and the higher education institution, the admission requirements might differ.
Poland has a long and proud tradition of keeping educational institutions available for students even at difficult times. In the late 1800s universities were heavily controlled and women were not allowed admission. Polish scholars began a brave underground movement in which courses were secretly taught. To avoid authorities, these meetings were even held in private homes teaching everything from philosophy or mathematics to arts and science.
In Poland, there are particular fields of study that offer long-cycle programs. These include acting, arts, law, dentistry, medicine, photography and production, pharmacy, psychology and veterinary medicine. Programs in these academic fields can last up to six years with the completion of 270-360 ECTS credits that award a Master’s degree (magister).
Poland makes the country quite attractive to European and international students because of its low cost tuition fees. Due to Poland’s ongoing economic development process, the cost of living is significantly lower compared to other European countries.
Student accommodation in Poland is super student-friendly with prices starting from 70-90 USD per month for a shared room in student dormitories and 120-180 USD for a single room. Each university offers different style dormitories and options.
Poland is a country with a thousand-year history and strong bonds to traditions, keeping its cultural heritage intact despite the effects of World War II. The Polish culture is an important part of the western civilization, contributing significantly in the areas of arts, music, philosophy, literature and science.
The cultural history of Poland traces back to the Middle Ages. Contemporary Poland is surrounded by the values of honesty, faith (as a very religious nation), respect and focus on family. Poland ranks 16th in the EF English Proficiency Index and therefore, you won’t have any problem communicating in English effectively while in Poland. On the other hand, learning a foreign language comes with multiple benefits and will get you out of your comfort zone, enabling you at the same time to familiarize yourself with the Polish culture. Polish is considered one of the hardest languages to learn, but why not be brave and try it out? It will be highly appreciated by Polish people who will definitely be impressed!
Polish language is a West Slavic language spoken by more than 50 million people and is the sixth most spoken language of the European Union. The Polish alphabet consists of 32 letters and the language’s difficulty is based on the complex pronunciation, gender system, verbs or cases that are hard to master.